There are many quality options for garage flooring, including RaceDeck snap tiles, porcelain tiles from Italy, Iron Man Polyaspartic, and concrete overlays. It is enough to make you dizzy...
- Concrete overlays, which are polymer modified cementitious material, hand troweled and applied to look like tile can be done in any pattern and almost any colour.
- Iron Man Polyaspartic, is a seamless concrete coating tougher than epoxy and any other “hybrid” coating technology, These coatings are ultra low VOC, and easy to clean and maintain.
- Or the porcelain garage floor tiles, imported from Italy, which far exceed the durability of glazed ceramic tiles.
- And the best selling Racedeck Snap Tiles, which offer flooring in seven garage floor tile styles, fourteen standard colours, and many options for customs colour garage flooring tile options.
We wrote the articles in this section to help you decide on is the best fit for your garage floor.
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