The Difference Between Commercial and Residential Lifts

If you considering putting a hydraulic lift in your garage, you may be wondering what, if any, are the differences between a residential and a commercial lift. The answer is there is no real difference. You can put any kind of lift in either a residential or commercial space. The limitations will be space and budget.
There are many different types of lifts. Some lifts require a certain ceiling height that may be missing in a residential setting. The first question to ask yourself is how much space do you have available, not just in height but also in length and width. Even in commercial settings, sometimes automotive businesses have different types of lifts to fit different footprints and to serve different purposes.
The next consideration is use. Different lifts are required for different vehicle weights and vehicle measurements. A much larger and more powerful lift is required for a bus than for a classic car. These larger lifts also come with larger price tags. Choose your lift based on how it will be used.
The weight of the vehicle is another factor. Lifts are rated by weight. And you will need a bigger lift for a Hummer than you will for a Mazda Miata. Keep in mind, that by and large, the more powerful the lift, the bigger the footprint it will have and the more expensive it will be.
For the vehicle (and garage) enthusiast, a lift at home can be a dream come true. The good news is you can have whatever lift your space and wallet allow, but lifts do take up space, so consider carefully what you want and need.
Park Place Garage has a super-experienced team that supplies and installs garage interiors throughout the Okanagan from Kamloops to Osoyoos. From powder-coated steel cabinets to custom floors, we’ll make your garage just the way you like it, handsome and practical.
If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your garage, please call us at (250) 681-4349 or use the convenient form on our Contact page.